Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What's your PROBLEM Universe?

Ugh. Here we go again. Just like last time. Rupert (Carl) is going out with someone. :( And of course, he tells me this during our conversation of who I like. Then I tell him I like him the next day. And it's awkward, and it sucks, and I'm back where I started. I start to wonder why I even bother anymore. But there's no stopping feelings so...blah. Though I swear, if this happens again I'm gonna scream. :(

I guess I shouldn't be complaining; so many more people have it so much worse than me. But I'm finally starting to have real feelings for guys, and it never works. Last time with Bob was my fault for waiting so long, and then missing my chance, but I honestly thought I might have a chance this time. Rupert had broken up with his girlfriend pretty soon after school ended, and I thought he would wait longer before going out again. He even said so himself. But then he suddenly comes out with this.

And really? KT? Where did she come from? I mean, I knew they were friends, but I guess I didn't know how close they were. O.o

Well, I'll stop boring you all with my problems. Bye.

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