Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The. Yes. Concert. Was. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

Steve Howe is the greatest guitarist ever (sowwy Davie) even though he's SO OLD! HE just KEPT GOING though, playing with BOTH Asia and Yes.

Asia isn't half bad, though they're trying to combine too many bands' sounds. They have this bassist who sings (RUSH) Steve on guitar (Yes) Palmer on keyboard (Emerson, Lake, and Palmer) and this crazy drummer guy that got on my nerves. He kept doing flips and pointing to the crowd and banging so hard on the drums I thought they might break. NO NEED TO EMPHASIZE DUDE WE CAN CLEARLY SEE YOU'RE PLAYING THE DRUMS.

Yes was absolutely incredible. The singer wasn't their original singer (who was off in Europe touring) but this Canadian guy from Montreal. I thought he wouldn't sound the same, but it was kinda uncanny how their voices sound alike. He was short like the singer is, and pranced around in his vest and blousey shirt thing, and played his tambourine like there's no tomorrow. The bassist (an original band member) had his long white hair, and his big poofy blue shirt, and was swaying along with the music as his FAN blew his hair around. :D Steve was, well, Steve. I'll link to a picture of him at the end of this post. He didn't move around that much, but you could see his hands playing his guitar just so insanely fast....WOW. The keyboardist was another non-original band member, who I THINK is the SON of the original keyboardist. And the drummer had a HUGE (though not as big as Neil Peart's) DRUMSET. BIG MAMMA JAMMA. And his solo was great too. :)

They closed with Starship Trooper. ^_^ I was SO HAPPY! I love that song so so much. *swoons*

Songs (in no particular order):
Siberian Something-or-other
Can't remember
Something from Drama
Something Else From Drama
Acoustic Song (just Steve)
The Heart of the Sunrise
Owner of a Lonely Heart
Something from Closer to the Edge
Starship Trooper

I've been so...I don't know how else to put it, depressed lately, and I DON'T KNOW WHY!! Ugh. Today was fun though. :)

I'm gonna try and go on a photographing adventure tomorrow. Go into town or on the college campus or something. Take some tree shots. :D Anyone wanna come with me? I might be bringing my little sister since she'll be bugging me to do something, and she seems to have taken an interest in it.

Ramalama (Bang Bang) ((It's in my playlist-------------->))

And...I'm done.


1 comment:

  1. Haha, no offence taken :P

    aw, don't be depressed :( the picture thing sounds fun. If you need some company, you can give me a call or something :P



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