Monday, June 29, 2009

Death and Drum Pads


Hm, this is really no surprise if you're the conspiracy theory type. I'm trying to think of my own, but it isn't going so well. This is the fourth death this month. I'm waiting to hear that Michael Phelps overdosed on crack or Miley Cyrus fell (was pushed) off a cliff.


I have officially lost my drum pad. Which is really really bad, considering I should be practicing for drumline. It was a Remo Pad, so it was really loud and annoying, but I still needed to practice on. If I can't find it by the end of the day today, I wanna go out and get a RealFeel pad. They're really nice and they have the same rebound as a snare drum, so it's better to play on than a Remo.

I finally watched Poltergeist. I would be extremely scared of every clown I ever saw if it weren't for the fact that those effects are so old I was barely scared at all. Very cheesy, and the actors got on my nerves. But it's a really well done movie, even if it seems a little dated in today's day and age. AND it's Steven Spielberg. :D



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