Friday, August 17, 2012

What Do YOU Do At One In The Morning?

Well, of COURSE I write what I'm too afraid to post on Tumblr where the people I'll be referencing can see it.

It's not that I'm afraid that they'll see it. I just don't know if they feel the same way about our friendships as I do.

I don't even know how to put into words how much all of these people have meant to me this summer. As much as I wish that I'd been friends with all of them so much sooner than just this past year, I think we all met at the perfect time. At least for me, anyways. I knew this first summer on my own would be rough, but it honestly has been one of the best summers of my life thanks to these guys.

I would never have done any number of the things I did this summer without them. Releasing my first full length album, going to my first actual parties, driving recklessly with a boy in the trunk, getting sooo much new music, going to diners at one in the morning, swimming with people in their underwear, watching Eric Andre, sleeping under art, doing yoga in a tree house, cuddling with my bandmates. I've learned so many things and met so many people and tried so many new things that I wouldn't have found the guts to do otherwise.

I don't know how to say goodbye to them all, either. Do I make gifts? Do I just try and hug them all? Do I wait and send them stuff in college? Do I send sappy letters? I doubt that they value these friendships as much as I do; I still feel the awkward age gap, where they're all going off to college and I'm still in high-school-land. And I don't know if I've returned all the favors they've given me. Or how to repay them for the summer I'm so glad that I had.

Summer's not over quite yet, but I just needed to get these thoughts out there.

If any of you guys see this, I hope you know that it's about you. And that I'm grateful a billion times over that we're friends, and that I hope you kick so much ass in college. I'll miss you. Thanks for being a fucking fantastic friend.

So much love,



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