He was so kind, such a gentleman tied to the oceanside, lighting a match on the suitcase’s latch in the fading night.
Helplessness Blues, anyone? Goodness gracious, what an amazing album. I didn’t think anything could live up to Fleet Foxes’ first album, but they completely proved me wrong.
In other music news, WE’RE SEEING CSS AND SLEIGH BELLS TONIGHT! Apparently there’s another opener as well before CSS, but I dunno who they are. I’m completely psyched, not only for Sleigh Bells but CSS as well. I listened to some of their music, and they’re really kewl. The only slightly terrifying bit is going to be the whole it’s-a-general-admission-concert-and-I’ve-never-been-to-one-before-and-I’m-afraid-of-being-squashed thing. But other than that, I’m exciiiiteeddd